When it comes to producing interactive work on behalf of clients, you almost always need to involve your business affairs or legal team.  Involving them in the process from the beginning can ensure success and save you a lot of headaches or stressful situations down the road.   Here are a few ways your business affairs team can help you when it comes to digital production:


  • Reviewing concepts to ensure they are legally compliant and suggesting alternatives instead if not.
  • Consulting with lawyers in different markets (as necessary)
  • Providing NDAs for production companies
  • Preparing and finalizing production contracts
  • Advising on cost considerations for legal reviews and budget


  • Generating POs (this may be the producer’s job depending on the agency)
  • Developing a clearance plan (if necessary)
  • Obtaining production insurance (if necessary)
  • Determine how to handle PII if applicable
  • Advise on latest and greatest legal rules for social media posts (ie. #ad)
  • Dealing with talent (contracts, negotiations, payments, usage etc.)
  • Advising on moderation needs
  • Developing contest or sweepstakes rules in all applicable countries

Involving your BA team early and often is critical to the success of your project.  Don’t forget to involve them because if you do it could cause you a lot of heartache and stress down the road.

What else do you rely on your BA team for?