by interactiveproduction | Sep 24, 2017 | Getting Started
Here is a quick list of some of the terms that every interactive producer should know and what they mean: ..::Paperwork and Contract Terms::.. SOW – Scope of Work or Statement of Work. For a more indepth look at what an SOW entails, see this post on what an SOW...
by interactiveproduction | Sep 22, 2017 | Production How-Tos
When it comes to producing interactive work on behalf of clients, you almost always need to involve your business affairs or legal team. Involving them in the process from the beginning can ensure success and save you a lot of headaches or stressful situations down...
by interactiveproduction | Sep 19, 2017 | Production How-Tos, Websites
This post will walk you through the different phases of website production. This approach is targeted towards experiential websites, not massive ecommerce platforms or other highly complex websites. Here are the key phases to website production: Phase 1: Briefing...
by interactiveproduction | Sep 18, 2017 | Production How-Tos
An SOW stands for Statement of Work or Scope of Work. A Statement of Work (SOW) is an extremely important document that is required for any production where you are hiring an external company. This document will be your guide for the entire project and will be...
by interactiveproduction | Sep 17, 2017 | Banners
Producing Standard Digital Banners are a great entry point into interactive production and will most likely be one of the first projects you take on as an entry level interactive producer. Here is a step by step guide of the basic steps to take when you are moving...
by interactiveproduction | Sep 16, 2017 | Getting Started
Although being an interactive producer is one of the most sought-after roles in an agency, it isn’t for everyone. Here are some skills I’ve seen consistently in great creative interactive producers: Great at problem-solving – A lot of what...
by interactiveproduction | Sep 15, 2017 | Getting Started
Being an interactive producer at an ad agency is one of the best jobs out there. When I first started in advertising, I’d only heard of the more tradition ad roles – creative, strategy and account. But, once I started working at an agency I understood...